Agra to Jaipur and experiencing Bollywood

We left Agra for Jaipur on a long coach journey. I consider myself a skilled napper and slept for the whole 5 hours. I was quite proud and seem to be gaining the reputation of group's best napper. 

Jaipur, or The Pink City, was much easier on the eye than Delhi. We walked through the markets and got some great photos for everyone's Instagram, obviously. Our guide asked if anyone was allergic to chilli. Odd question I thought until we passed bags of chilli so big that it actually burnt our throat and eyes. I didn't know that was possible either. The entire group was coughing and sneezing everywhere, I don't think there was another point at which we looked any more like pathetic tourists.


We explored a temple and stood on a rooftop watching Japuir from above. The local boys chased monkeys off scaffolding and kites dipped in and out of the horizon. This was the Indian silhouette I was after. Like I said, much easier on the eye.

So, a Bollywood film happened. I can't say I was sold on the idea, I don't love musicals or happy-clappy things. I just don't seem to have the capacity in my soul for glitter and gyrating, but I feel like it made space. I think it changed me.

We went to Jaipur Cinema, which is actually incredible inside, I've never seen a cinema so intricately decorated, this wasn't the Odeon in Basingstoke. 

Anyway. There were no subtitles, we could only vaguely grasp the storyline, but I promise you this, it was the happiest most flamboyant thing you will ever, ever see. Everyone is so smiley, and everything is so bright, it's the best of India embodied. The film was Judwaa 2 in case you wanted a watch. I won't ruin it for you - some twins get separated at birth or something and bump into each other later with hilarious consequences. It is impossible to be in a bad mood after watching a Bollywood film, I think I just found an antidepressant in film form. And I think I might have to look up Bollywood film clubs on landing in Heathrow.

Amber Fort Loving

Amber Fort Loving

We explored the Amber Fort. Another amazing monument, we were a little hot and tired though. It's impossible to pay attention to everything and all the history when it's 30+ degrees. Or maybe I was just done absorbing, and it was up a big hill.

Jaipur Views

Jaipur Views

The real highlight was the Monkey temple and watching the sunset over Jaipur. We could see for miles and get away from the hustle/bustle/constant hooting. Imagine a quiet temple covered in cute fluffy monkeys. Except everyone is scared of these little bags of fur because we don't want to get rabies. It was a tense walk with the odd scream but they probably just wanted a cuddle. India is a good place for an animal lover, which I will definitely yack on about that more later because there are animals everywhere and it makes me insanely happy. 

We're still tracking down useable wifi to get some stuff up, but we hit gold today! Bear with me 🐵

With love

